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Dev Log for 2024-03-04
Not a whole lot of exiting stuff since the last time I bothered to write one of these.
I mostly fiddled with the styling of the blog.
Messed around with the info/links contained in the footer.
Funnily enough I now have two separate links to the repo of the blog…
Improved the rendering of admonition blocks
Not a fun experience in the (s)css-mines… Only a small change was needed, but finding what needed changing was a chore.
Redid almost the entire formatting of the footer partial html. It was a complete compacted mess, almost impossible for a human to parse. Now it’s over 30 lines longer, but much more readable and editable.
Added properly created and configured favicons, including a working webmanifest
Turns out that documention contains valuable information…
Fiddled with the logo and title of the main page.
Still not entirely happy with the results, I’ll definitely fiddle with it a bit more
Fun fact at the end: I’ve learned that Google has indexed my blog once I’ve got my first spam-mail via the link in the footer. I was surprised how quickly both of them worked! And I’m very happy my spamfilter has coughed everything thrown at me so far.